A message to our Doggy guest …


We are sure you are very well behaved at all times, but we would be grateful if you could be on your best behaviour as much as you possibly can. We have chickens running loose, and our own little yappy Chihuahua called Elsie, so if you think you might want to chase them, can you make sure your human puts you on your lead.


Unfortunately, you must not be left alone at all in your LodgePod, but don’t worry as our local area is very ‘dog friendly’ and you will be welcome in lots of places including some beaches so you can enjoy a swim with your humans. We have lovely walks around our field and through the nearby public footpaths. You will need to have your lead on for these walks as our farmer neighbours have sheep and cows grazing and if they are pregnant scary dogs running around or barking can sometimes make them lose their babies.  


We have a fenced-off area in the field next to the LodgePods, it’s especially for you, so if you want to have a run around without your lead that’s the best place to go.


There is also a spike outside your pod, so you can have a little roam around outside without being able to bother any other guests staying.


If you get muddy there is a hose by our Utility Pod so your human can wash you down, sorry if it’s a bit cold, hopefully, we will have a lovely warm shower for you if you visit again! We do have a few special towels in the Utility Cabin if you get wet or muddy, so if you want one can you please ask Dawn or Mark to get it for you. Unfortunately, we cannot have communal areas open at the moment due to the Covid19 restrictions – hopefully, they will be gone soon!!


Please no sitting on the beds or sofa.


We do hope you have a lovely time with us here and enjoy exploring the area.
If your humans want to go out to a place you’re not allowed to go, a kind lady who lives near here called Julie might be available to look after you – your human can give her a call on 07896 467854 to see if she’s available.
Lets Glamp Retro
Yippe,you can be off your lead in this lovely big 45m by 25m run.
Lets Glamp Retro
See - I can be good right?
Lilly enjoying the Dog Run
Lets Glamp Retro
Lilly posing
Lets Glamp Retro
Lilly exploring
Lets Glamp Retro
Lilly watching the sun rise
Lets Glamp Retro
Lilly playing in the Dog Run
Lets Glamp Retro
Lilly having a rest